I am quite the planner, that's for sure...
As we grew closer to delivery day everyone teased me about Miss Kallie arriving early (which wasn't very funny-I don't like early! not 5 minutes, not 1 hour and definitely not 11 days!) With that being said I trust in God's perfect timing and had a little feeling Kallie was going to make her debut before her due date. What I wasn't ready for were the 25 appointments we still had to juggle with our 3 other kids; the end of school activities, conferences and prep for our older daughters surgery. Amazingly those 2 weeks went perfect! Kallie tagged along and was incredible wherever we went...and THEN...dunn-dunn-dunn...she morphed into, one of those, normal babies-gasp! She didn't want to nurse, she became very very gassy and uncomfortable (not to mention knock you to the ground smelly!) then developed thrush, which only magnified the uncomfortable-ness. Through all of thsee hiccups she has remained a pretty happy and consolable baby, but all of my mommy plans have become nonexistent. I was going to walk the bike trail each morning, start prepping freezer meals, eat better, start T25 back up (ok that one's a strong maybe), you know all of those healthy things you promise to do at the 9 1/2 month mark when all of the sudden your living on twinkies, doughnuts and pizza!!
I had done so well through most of my pregnancy... until that dreaded 9 1/2 month mark.
Now I'm stuck-tired-bored & need that motivation fairy to appear, unfortunately my daughters gas seems to be keeping said fairy far far away...Monday is right around the corner, perfect time to try and restart it...
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